Tag Archives: hitchhiking

Sept. 5, 1934 “I am really lucky. Last week I left my billfold on a counter at Woolworth . . . .”

Sept. 5, 1934 “I am really lucky. Last week I left my billfold on a counter at Woolworth . . . .”

Sept 5th, 1934

To Papa’s birthday I am sending my best wishes. [I am trying to translate my German poetry but can’t.]* Anyhow I hope he is celebrating the day happy and well with the rest of the mishpoche.

Last week nothing special occurred. Henny took off from work for a week. She really needed the rest very much. One evening she picked me up at work and we went to a movie “A Modern Hero.” Then we went to spend the rest of the evening at Grossbergs.

a modern hero

Teasdale and Barthelmess in "A Modern Hero"

The next night we went to the Fair. First to a concert at the Ford Symphony Gardens. Then I invited her to a free Auto Round Trip thru streets all over the world. The road we traveled was paved differently in small sections. Samples from all over all around on one big plaza. Even a sample of the “Bergstrasse.” We drove slowly around that Plaza to be able to see it all. We then went to a village called the Bowery. A copy of the one in N.Y. Do you remember that Papa? They had a nice program — real old town type.

Black Forest Village

Black Forest Village

Then we went to the Black Forest, the most popular and best place this year with excellent dancers on ice. It is such a pleasure to see that ice while it is so hot outside. After 4 days of rain it is thank G’d not so hot anymore. Unfortunately the weather was very bad over Labor day which caused a big loss for the fair.

Aerial View of Villages

Labor day is a big holiday here and the last day of school vacations. Aunt Henny and I were driven by friends to Michigan City on Saturday afternoon. About 3 hrs drive. We went to the beach there and finally after much effort found a room to stay. It must be beautiful there in nice weather. Woods and hills and delightfully quiet all near the lake.

Bathing Beach near Michigan City, Indiana

One can buy or rent a house any size there and either spend the weekends or all summer there. They are real little shacks called “cabins” consisting of 1 room, kitchen and porch all made of wood on the ground floor, and lots of land around it. The space only costs $29 a month. Then of course there are bigger and fancier houses too as high as $200 and more. Since there is very poor transportation one has to have a car to enjoy a place like that.

The friend who drove us there went back to Chicago the same evening. We just took it very easy all day Sunday. But the way home! We took a bus into Michigan City hoping to catch a train home but all the trains were so crowded we could not get in. After trying for over 1 hr to stop a car we finally got a ride with a nice young couple and his sister from Cleveland. As reward for taking us we had them stay with us over night.

On Monday, Labor day, I loafed around the house all day until Opa surprised me and took me to a movie “Operator 13.” A very nice good spy film.

If any movie comes to Ffm [Frankfurt] with Shirley Temple be sure to see it. She is the smartest, nicest little girl. She made very popular the songs “Three little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf.” And also “Three Little Piggies went to Market.”

Labor Day 1934

And that just reminds me that after you pay for your admissions at the movies theater the tickets come out of a little slit in front of the cashier behind a little fence and any change you have coming comes down like on a slide into a little container so it’s easy for you to take it. Wish I could explain it a little better.

Yesterday I had a nice letter from Solingen. He is o.k., writes very nice and will write Ernst soon too. Have you seen or heard anything from Stavenhagens lately? I wrote to them 3 times already but have not heard anything from them.

How is Mrs. Bergen? What about your apartment? Why do you not write anything about Alex’s silver leather? I would be very interested. Did you start the [Jewish] New Year o.k. I filled out a form and got a free ticket for the synagogue.

What else is new? I have not heard from you sweet people for 10 days again. How did the apple jam turn out? Weils are sending best regards as always. I have a date with them for next Saturday again.

I am really lucky. Last week I left my billfold on a counter at Woolworth and when I came back one hour later it was still there.

Now Aunt Henny joins me in our very best wishes for Papa on his birthday.

My love and kisses– fast well.

* [I believe the comment that I enclosed in brackets was made when Trudel translated her letters into English. Editor]

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