[This is the second of two letters that I failed to post in sequence. Here is a link to the letter that preceded it, January 23, 1937. LAG]
Feb 7, 1937
I think I need a secretary to help me catch up with my mail.
Did you ever hear of man-made snow? We are having here in Chicago a big ski-jumping show in the stadium. Since it is quite cold now but no snow, they made “artificial” snow. This is all in our big stadium in the middle of town!
I would like to go ice-skating some time, but our room is too small to have anything else (no matter how small) to put in. As Leonard says: “We have to step out of the room to change our minds.”
Last week we saw 2 German movies, “Gluckskinder,” with Willy Fritsch and Lillian Harvey, very nice – and “Weiber-Wirtschaft,” playing in the Alps, very funny.
I may go to Sumter S.C. [to see] Leonard’s sister next May. Not definite yet.
Video clip from a hit number from the 1936 German film, Glückskinder