Tag Archives: wine

December 18, 1934 “I get so much fun out of making so many very inexpensive little packages.”

December 18, 1934 “I get so much fun out of making so many very inexpensive little packages.”

671 N. Dearborn St.

1, 2, 3 how time flies. I think I did not even thank you for all the good wishes in that “not signed” letter. So I thank you now.

Of course I take it for granted that you wonderful people wish me only the best just as you must know that I appreciate it and thank you.

I had so much on my mind… and I forgot it all.

I had so much on my mind that I wanted to write to you and now I forgot it all. Maybe if I try to think what I wrote last week some of my thoughts will come back. The way I am writing today you may think I am drunk but I assure you that is not the case.

This was rather exciting for me

Saturday we were in Leonard’s office and I listened to the speech he had prepared for the radio the next day. He also read several other wonderful speeches for me. Dr. Grossberg told me he was one of the finest and best speakers he knew.

Radio Studio

Radio Studio circa 1934

On the way home we stopped for a glass of wine and bought a bottle. I had told Leonard that I was tired of all those sodas, whiskey and cocktails and that I would like a good glass of white wine. So he bought some right away.

Sunday afternoon we were at his partner’s office and while the 2 men went over Leonard’s speech again, Flora-Mae, Leonard’s little girl, and I were playing together on the floor.

After we took the little girl home we were driven to the radio station about 3/4 hrs drive and after a very good dinner, I heard my friend over the radio. This was rather exciting for me while he did not think anything of it.

It makes me really feel good how my English is improving

We then drove back to his partner’s house and while the men talked business I visited with the wife. It makes me really feel good how my English is improving and I am able to make conversation.

The couple drove us to Leonard’s hotel and we stopped in the restaurant and first had some hot chocolate. Then he got out that bottle of wine he bought the day before and what was left of the cookies, which I stored in his room so they would not disappear in my place. And so we emptied that whole bottle and ate some cookies with it. As a result I really had a hangover yesterday but am fine again today.

Besides the letter to you, I wrote 4 more letters last Sunday and then went early to bed. My cold was much better on Monday.

Actually I had a date with Hans Werthan that evening but we could not get together. There was a very big snow storm in the afternoon like they had not had in many years and there was no way to get anywhere. Every transportation and everything was at a standstill. What normally takes 10 min on the streetcar took 1 hour.

On Tuesday it was much better and after work I did a little Xmas shopping. Leonard and I ate dinner together and I took the streetcar home right away so I could, like the previous evening, do a little sewing, reading, writing and washing, etc. I did not do much of anything but went late to bed.

I wrapped about 25 little packages which I will put into a pair of socks and hang on Leonard’s bed

On Wednesday we had no work so I slept half the day and monkeyed around my room. The only thing I really accomplished was to put all my photos from Germany in an album. Starting with Bad Pyrmont. I will need a new album.

to stuff with little packages

Also I wrapped about 25 little packages which I will put into a pair of socks and hang them on Leonard’s bed on 12/24. You must know that Santa Claus comes here on Xmas eve and fills the socks of the good children with presents while they are sleeping. I get so much fun out of making so many very inexpensive little packages.

a pearl purse

It would be nice if you would write to Aunt Henny sometime again. I will meet her tonight downtown. She sells Xmas cards in a place, belonging to Alfred Hamburger. I only heard of that last night on the phone and I will see it tonight. Wonder if she will ever get to go to Florida.

Thursday night I was in Dr. Grossberg’s office and he took me to a very nice dinner. I was home by 8 o’clock and did some repair on a pearl pocketbook for my 6 hat customers which took quite some time.

Lawson YMCA

YMCA 30 W. Chicago Ave.

Friday night I had a real Jewish dinner, not kosher, for the first time in several weeks. And of course I ordered fish. Then I went to visit [Mr.] Horkheimer who had been trying in vain to reach me. He lives in a beautiful building. It is called YMCA, Young Men’s Christian Association and is one of the best homes in Chicago. It has rooms for 725 men, inside pool, gym, table tennis, inside golf, target practice room, lending library, dance hall and several nice smaller rooms for playing cards, music or just visiting. He took me thru the whole beautiful building as far as I as a female was allowed to see.

A young man from Cleveland went along with us and it turned out that he knows Hans Roos very well. We danced 4 or 5 dances, had a chocolate soda and then I walked my 2 blocks home. Well my paper is almost full and my head almost empty. Now I have just 20 min to get going to be on time at work.


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April 18, 1935 – “We did not laugh as much as last night in a long time.”

April 18, 1935  –  “We did not laugh as much as last night in a long time.”


My Sweet Goldchildren,

After a delicious yonteff* dinner we just landed in Leonard’s office with big filled stomachs. We feel too heavy to go home right away. And how do the matzos taste to you this year?

Trudel’s First Passover in America

Last evening, first seder, we ate at the same kosher restaurant as tonight. The difference was the fact that we participated in a seder last night and today only dinner. We did not laugh as much as last night in a long time. They had one large table and several small ones. Of course we sat at a small one. Since the service took so long and we were very hungry, we emptied our goblets with very good red wine every time. You can imagine the result! The seder was very good, but not many melodies like at home, only a very few.

County Chairman

The County Chairman

The dinner was excellent both evenings. Of course the matzo ball soup was not so [good] that Lu could claim he could not eat anything else after 2 bowls full. They did not serve sour/sweet carp either. But very delicious almond torte and macaroons.

Tonight, Thursday night, it went very fast and was finished including dinner at 9:30 pm. We both were in such a good mood with our tummies full that we did not feel like going home. So we went to a movie. Very funny, just right for the mood we were in: “The County Chairman.”

On Tuesday night we were in a movie too. Very serious and good: “David Copperfield.”

David Copperfield

David Copperfield

And before I forget, I want to tell you the funniest thing that happened to me this week. Sunday as usual Flora Mae had dinner with us and Leonard took her home. We did not feel like going on that long bus trip home so we went to see an excellent film, “Clive of India” right there in Hyde Park. They have a new game there and I won a free pass. Unfortunately it is only good on weekdays. I gave it to Aunt Henny when I was there on Monday night and I expect we will use it frequently.


Clive of India

Saturday I ate at Weil’s and Leonard joined us later. It was nice as usual. I had brought along my photo album and they enjoyed looking at old friends and relatives. Friday night I was again at Samuels. Clem’s fiancé is now one or two days in New York. Did he ever visit you? Neither he or you wrote anything about that.

I do not know what is wrong with me tonight, that I tell everything backwards.

Sears Spring Ad 1935

Spring Fashions

And now something very new. Especially for myself: a navy blue spring coat for $16, navy blue shoes $3.69, purse and 6 pair of hose, also a light blue blouse for my blue suit. One never knows how the weather may be Easter Sunday. If it is like last Sunday I need only my blue suit. But if it is like last Monday I need also the coat over the suit, besides galoshes, raincoat, umbrella and maybe warm underwear. In any case I will be prepared.


Sports Coats on Sale

When I turn around in my chair now, I see what you can see on the enclosed snapshot. That photo was taken after a week in the new office. Now there are so many books and papers on the desk that you cannot see the desktop. In a few minutes he will have it cleared and we shall go home. I do not feel like going alone.

This week we were not very busy at work so I even worked short hours. That of course is the result of that crazy weather. Hopefully it will be nice on Sunday. Then we will get busy again.

LJG at (temporarily cleared) Desk

I suppose that finishes my report for today. I hope the matzos agreed well with you. I bought a box for myself. For breakfast during Passover, I have been eating 2 matzos, 2 hard boiled eggs and 1 cup of coffee. The ham or bacon, what usually comes with the breakfast, I cut out this week.

I am writing you tonight since I want to make a hat for myself in my lunchtime tomorrow.

I am your loving


  • “Yonteff” is a Yiddish variant of Yom Tov — Hebrew for holiday. Literally “Good Day.”
  • “Leonard,” sometimes referred to as “Len” or LJG would become my father.
  • Flora Mae was LGJ’s 6 year old daughter by a previous marriage. My half-sister.


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