[In English at the top of the letter]
Dear Ones:
If I had known Trudel always had goose on her birthday she would have had another one on Dec. 5th. So I was her only goose this year.
With love to you all,
Dec. 9, 1934
My dearest dear ones.
Well, another week has gone by and I have a few things to tell you. It is real miserable weather today. Quite cold and a little snow. Since yesterday I have my annual cold and decided to make myself comfortable in the lobby of the Devonshire Hotel, instead of joining Leonard and his darling girl. Later he drove to a radio station.
Leonard was a wonderful nurse last night and this morning gave me the key to his room in case I do not feel well and want to lay down on his bed while he is gone all afternoon and evening. But, thank G’d I am now feeling much better except having a continuously running nose.
Now most important I thank you sooo much for the cookies and the “22.” It all arrived on time and is almost gone already. I took a piece of one of the the 2s with me to work and divided it with the workers at my table. Liss’s ears must have been ringing an awful lot, from the praises the girls sang over her baking.

Stollen Shaped into a Candy Cane. The "22" referred to by Trudel was made of two stollen, each shaped into the number 2 in honor of Trudel's 22nd Birthday.
Leonard sure likes the butter cookies. If the box was near him it would be empty by now. This morning between the broken cookies I found 1 saying “Trudel”. Will I find some more surprises?
Actually the “22” was perfect while most of the cookies were broken but they taste just as well.
Aunt Henny gave me a very pretty necklace of hers which she had loaned me a few times during the summer. Leonard gave me a box of candy and since we both are very practical he had me buy a very nice 3 piece knit suit which came very handy today!
As soon as we both have time he wants to buy me a pair of nice black shoes. On the 5th we met after work and went for a delicious–no goose–dinner and then to a horse show.
The young beautiful wife of one of Leonard’s friends was in the show. We went afterwards for a cup of coffee and came home very late in a big snow. Nobody else here knew that it was my birthday but I received loads of mail which of course unfortunately have to answer all.
Since we did not find that nice couple on Wednesday we met them last night. We had a wonderful dinner at “Old Heidelberg” a real German very nice restaurant. Then we went to a Burlesque show. It probably was for me the 1st and the last time that I look at something like that. I really do not care to see all these almost naked women.
The very nice young wife of Leonard’s friend was anxious to see it. She was once in shows like that herself and now she is married to this very wealthy man. Leonard once represented her in court and she is very thankful to him for that.
On Friday I finished the hats for my new customers and received yesterday a $12 check for it. Isn’t that nice. That pays for 3 weeks room rent. For the porcelain figure I got $10. The lady would have liked to buy some more. Aunt Henny sold her for $10 the blue sweater, cap and shawl that I had given her. I wish I had just a little of her business ways.
On Tuesday we visited another brother of Julius Seckbach. His mother-in-law died last week and we thought this is a good time to visit them. Well, I used to think that we 3 sisters did not look much alike but I never saw such a difference between 3 brothers. And the 4th brother, who had been run over by a car, looked all together different too.
I kept looking at this man all the time because I could not imagine how he could be a brother of Julius. Anyway that day Aunt Henny received the 1st payment of $14 that the court ordered Julius to pay her. Enclosed was a very nasty note. Not only a lot of lies but trying in vain to give me a bad name. He tried to tell Dr. Grossberg that I was dating a married man, but he knew that Leonard has been divorced for over a year. Julius is such an idiot. People who know me know what to think of me and people who do not know me I could not care a bit what he tells them. By the way with this 3rd brother he is completely out. They do not talk together at all.
As you probably know Aunt Henny had the same cancer as our dear Mother but fortunately she thinks that it was found in time and completely removed. Now, this idiot talks about it in that letter! I sure hope she is right.
While I am writing I am listening to beautiful music on the radio. They are now playing a beautiful waltz and I can hardly sit still.
Your new apartment must be very nice. Everybody tells me about it very enthusiastically. How is the new car? Does it start o.k.?
Everybody writes about the new theatre, it must be really very busy. By the way that letter without signature was the only one of the 12 I received this week that had been opened. Please do not write with business return addresses. Tomorrow I have a date with Hans Werthan who had already his appendix removed in the 10 weeks he is here. On Tuesday I hope to go ice skating. And now I will close and go to eat something downstairs in the Hotel Restaurant.
Love and kisses,
Note: Here is a link to an excellent discussion of how to make Stollen.
The recipe for the butter cookies is in the previous post at http://wp.me/p1yA95-7r
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