Feb 13, 35
My dear ones:
Since I did not write to you last week I want to start this now. I did send you a map of Chicago on New Year’s eve, with a menu and a photo of Gwen and and one of Leonard with Yogi Roy etc.
Now, I guess I have to write you exactly where I go so you can find it on the map. After the last letter I wrote you I did one in English for Ilse and then fell fast asleep in the chair I was sitting. As a result we left the office very late and I slept almost all day Sunday.
I eat almost all my dinners with a lady [at her apartment]in my building. She is very nice and I fell quite at home there. I spend most evenings with her, reading the paper or sewing with the music on the radio or she plays the piano and sings too.
Last Wednesday I was again at Gwen’s. Since I sent her picture, now you know what this Goldmench looks like. Last week I was really very lazy. We did not have much work and I slept late every day.
Aunt Jenny is begging Pappa to get in touch with Aunt Dortche in regards to her will. She thinks she could give her some good advice.
Enclosed are a few photos I took recently. Last Saturday I had my picture taken and I will send you one soon. Tomorrow is “Valentine’s Day”. That is for people who are in love. That means one sends cards with hearts to anybody one likes a lot.
I had a big copy made of the photo of me, and cut some red crepe paper like a frame for it and will put it in Leonard’s room tomorrow. Since we will not see each other tomorrow. Now I received today already a 1 lb box of very delicious chocolates, in a red heart shaped box with a beautiful card.
Saturday night I was again in a movie. “The Iron Duke” with George Arliss, very good. When Blucher appeared on the battlefield near Waterloo he said, “It’s done!” Before the movie, 6 of us had dinner together. Alfred Hamburger and son Joe, Singers, Leonard and I.
Sunday we really had a big day. I wrote you already that Leonard is working Qfor the first woman running for mayor of Chicago. He makes 3 or 4 speeches every day in different places for her. Sunday at 3 p.m. her husband picked us up with the car and drove us to the radio station in Hammond, Indiana, south of Chicago — about as far as from Buckenheim to Seckbach, just off the map I sent you.
Mrs. Grace Gray, the mayoral candidate and Leonard discussed politics with questions and answers. It was very interesting for me. We then drove back, spent almost 15 min with Flora Mae. Mrs. Gray is about 48 yrs old, Grandmother, goes daily horseback riding, both her parents are still alive and she is still married to the same man for 28 yrs. She is a wonderful, nice, smart woman.
We then drove back, spent almost 15 min with Flora Mae. The 4 of us had dinner together at the Madison Park Hotel on 51st St. and Dorchester Av. Of course at a front table so everybody could see us. You can imagine how I felt.
After supper we went to the North Side 3300 N. Broadway to a political meeting in a church where Mrs. Gray was one of the speakers. Of course Leonard did introduce her in his wonderful way.
I met some very nice people there. We then drove to Gray’s house. 4500 N. Ashland Av. They have a beautiful house where Great grandmother, Grandmother, Mother and Child and grandchildren are living. They served chop suey and drinks and then we just sat and talked. They drove us home about midnight.
Fortunately I did not work on Monday. Mrs. Saunders where I frequently eat and I went downtown. As we stepped in a drugstore for a cup of hot chocolate somebody said “Hello” to me. It was Grace Gray. I really did not see her when we came in.
Just after we got home, Aunt Henny showed up unexpectedly. She is looking for a room in my neighborhood.
I have been asked to join the Chicago Business and Professional Women’s Club. Mrs. Gray is the President right now.
Since I went looking for a room with Aunt Henny I came so late to the meeting that Leonard, who was the guest speaker that evening, was almost finished with his speech. There were only 20 women, and which Grace Gray greeted each one separately. I was very much surprised when she asked me to tell the ladies how much I like it here. I talked for just a few minutes and said that this was the first time that I was asked to talk in front of an audience.
The ladies all commented on my good English. No wonder with a teacher like Leonard. We all left in several cars. Leonard and I with 2 ladies in Gray’s car. Mrs. Cerf and Aunt Henny with several other ladies.
We all went to visit Yogi Roy whose photo with Leonard in the newspaper I mailed you a few days ago. He is a Hindu and because of his healing methods was sued by the City. Leonard is his lawyer. The case is the talk of the town. Sure hope he wins that case. (I am writing this letter riding the “L” train on my way to Gwen Bishop.)
We spent only a short time with the Yogi, but he demonstrated how he can put a big needle in his arm without bleeding since he held his breath. Of course Leonard is studying all about that stuff and knows already more about it than the Yogi.
After we left there we all drove to another political meeting. We were very heartily welcomed and Leonard had to speak again. Even Mr. Gray had to talk. It was a really very interesting evening for me. I hope to attend some more evenings like that before the election on Feb. 26.
We got home very late and of course I was very tired the next evening but still made a new hat for a new customer. Mrs. Saunders my friend here in the building was nice enough to deliver the hat this morning. I hope it was o.k. and she collected the money for it.
By the way I just remember to tell you that my little black suitcase has come in very handy recently. Leonard uses it for carrying books and papers to court very often. I also almost forgot to thank Ernale for her nice letter. Unfortunately I do not have it with me, so I can’t answer it now. I did not receive a postal card from Feldberg. Who were the 2 people you met in Obereifenberg? Loatte Thyson lives in Obereifenberg. She would have loved to live with you.
That is all I can think of now and my paper is at the end and I am just getting to my stop to get off and home for supper.
Millions of kisses yours,