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October 19, 1934
I just received a card from Max Wolff. He is coming here for 2 days and I will be very happy to receive some personal news from you. He will probably have a lot to tell you about me when he comes back.
Instead of attending Carmen on Saturday we went to another excellent theater. And before that we went with Joe Hamburger to a movie — “Romance in the Rain,” very nice. And the next day again a movie “One More River,” also very good.
One More River - Click on image for YouTube
Monday night I had dinner in Leonard’s office with him and Alfred Hamburger.
Since last week I am crocheting a black sweater on the train on my way to and from work. Maybe I’ll finish it by 1936. Otherwise not much happened last week.
One evening I was at Rose’s, yesterday at Louise Hamburger, whose mother will be 80 yrs old this week.
Leonard and I planned to have dinner together tonight but he is busy. Instead we will go out real great tomorrow evening. I will wear my black evening dress. All I know is that we have already tickets for Carmen but I do not know what else he is planning.
I finally had my hair cut again today and I look and feel much better. I talked to Rose Tauber, daughter of Fanny Ratzenstein, Aunt Jenny’s sister. Those two are not on speaking terms.
Aunt Fanny is out of town until next week. I will call her again then and make a date.
Yesterday we had rain for the 1st time in 19 days.
Today it is beautiful again. Had a letter from Kurt Dillenberg, he would like me to find a job for him here. That’s all I need.
How are your jobs, girls? Did you get the new apartment all in order yet? How come you did not use Dellihausen for your moving?
Now I am going to work on some hats — A red one for myself that I want to wear tomorrow night and fix a few for other people. I am getting to be a dressmaker too now. I altered a few dresses for Aunt Henny. I just finished a delicious dinner. Henny is a great cook, spaghetti, tomato sauce and cheese.
That’s all for today.
Picture postal card of Bismark Hotel where I went with Max Wolff.
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