Tag Archives: Chicago weather

July 11, 1936 – Sitting on the roof of the hotel and it is very hot.

July 11, 1936 – Sitting on the roof of the hotel and it is very hot.

July 11, 1936

Townsend Plan

Townsend Plan

Sitting on the roof of the hotel and it is very hot. Leonard will go to Cleveland next week as a delegate of the “Townsend Party.”*

A birthday letter for Leonard arrived by Zeppelin punctually the day before the 4th.**

Rose Marie

From Rose Marie

We saw a very good movie, “Rose Marie,” with Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy.

We have seen several other movies because the theatres are air conditioned, usually 72˚ Fahrenheit which is a blessing in this heat. We always go early before the admission price goes up. Sometimes I go with Trudel Batzner,*** Claire Samuels, or Rose La Marque and of course Leonard, if he can take the time.

Two Trudels.

Two Trudels

Wings over Everest

Wings over Everest

We saw “Wings over Everest.” Very interesting pictures from the first flight over Mount Everest.

Also “Love me Forever” with Grace Moore, and “Public Hero #1.” I dreamt all night about it. Next “Page Miss Glory” – nothing special. Then “Escape me Never” with Elisabeth Bergner. Next “Don’t Bet on Blondes.” Nice. Also “Dante’s Inferno” excellent, but I saw ghosts all night. Next “Frisco Kid” very exciting, but funny in 1 scene (for me) which played in the office of a stock broker. [Frisco Kid was funny to Trudel because her father was a stockbroker.] Then “Broadway Melody” very nice.

Love Me Forever

Love Me Forever

Page Miss Glory

Page Miss Glory

Dante's Inferno

Dante’s Inferno

Broadway Melody

Broadway Melody of 1936

Frisco Kid

Frisco Kid

Scroll down for clips from some of these movies.

Sometimes we also go to the free excellent concerts in the park right by the lake.

Band Shell

Petrillo Band Shell

Letter from Leonard typewritten on his office letterhead

July 11, 1936
Dear Father Adler, Lottie and Erna:

Many thanks for your lovely birthday letters which arrived via Zeppelin July 3rd. Both Trudel dear and I enjoyed them. Soon after your letter arrived Trudel came into the office, and we read your letters together. At midnight, just as July 4th began, Trudel gave me the loveliest fountain pen. Said she was sorry she could not give me more. It was enough, with her beautiful love. Can you imagine my surprise on arriving home to find a whole table covered with presents from our “Goldkind”?

There was an Angel Food Cake, with 45 on it and 15 candles and 45 flags. It tasted as good as it looked. A lovely belt, handkerchiefs, cigar holder, pajamas, pipe tobacco, and just lots of other lovely gifts, all from darling “Drekbalch”**** But I don’t think that last name fits Trudelchen. Received a birthday card from Henny that was very clever, wires and letters from friends, and we had a lovely birthday dinner at L’Alglon. It is hot here, very hot. We jumped in the lake for a swim last night. Trudel looks stunning in her new and pretty dresses, but like the Goddess Venus in her bathing suit, and she swims like Neptune’s daughter. You know Neptune was the old God of the Sea.

Trudel and Leonard

Trudel and Leonard

Am leaving the city for one week, and before going wanted this letter to go on to you, thanking you from the bottom of my heart, not only for the letters you each so lovingly sent me, but also for the flower from your family garden, which is the flower of my heart and life, my future wife, Trudel. And this year we will be wed. There is much more to write, but Trudel dear tells me she has written you. She is coming down for the theater now, so I must get ready for her. The air is ice cooled on hot days in our theaters, so it is a good place to spend a hot night.

With a heart full of love and thanks to each of you, in which my precious Trudel joins,

Affectionately your son and brother

[Handwritten on reverse:]

Dear Sisters:
Trudel and I are in the Normandie Inn at 1 a.m. Sunday – a.m. is Sunday morning – that is a.m. means morning – after midnight from the Latin ante-meridians.
I just had to open our letter to you for 2 reasons. First each of you are one of the reasons each because your English letters to me were priceless and such letters in English deserve a special thank you. Then there were some wonderful presents Trudel gave me – too many to mention but I must not be silent about the 1) constitution of the United States, 2) the Declaration of Independence, signed on July 4, 1776, the first birthday of our country, 3) President Lincoln’s great Gettysburg Address written in his own handwriting – all beautifully framed for 2 large panels on my office wall – a glorious set of gifts by themselves. And again – a hug and a kiss to each of you for your loving thoughtfulness in writing English.

Devotedly your brother,



Scroll below these notes to find links to clips, trailers and complete movies of some of the films mentioned above.

*Dr. Francis Townsend, a soft-spoken doctor with a senior citizens following, preached the Depression could be ended by giving government pensions to people over 60, thus freeing up jobs for unemployed young people. Unfortunately he was eventually co-opted by the infamous Father Charles Coughlin and Gerlald M. K. Smith in their campaign against President Roosevelt’s reelection. See Francis Townsend – The Man with a Plan on the Pardon Power blog, and Where Left Meets Right, by Ron Grossman.

**Leonard’s Birthday was July 4.

***This is Trudel’s first reference to Trudel Nachman, who became her closest and lifelong friend. Sadly, there is no account of how they met.

****”Drekbalch” is what is typed in my father’s letter. Perhaps Trudel used the term to refer humorously to herself or it is a very odd typo. I can’t find a translation.

YouTubes and clips from some of the movies Trudel saw

Rose Marie with Janette MacDonald and and Nelson Eddy

YouTube of the full length film.

Wings over Everest

News clip about the 80th anniversary of Wings Over Everest, with scene from original film.

Trailer for Public Hero #1 Click image.

Public Hero #1

Public Hero #1

Escape Me Never 1935

Dante’s Inferno

scene from the 1935 film “Dante’s Inferno,” with Spencer Tracy and Claire Trevor. For more information, visit!

Frisco Kid1935

Broadway Melody 1936

Trailer from the 1936 installment in this series.

Don’t Bet on Blondes

Click on the image.

Don't Bet on Blondes

Don’t Bet on Blondes


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December 5, 1936 – Just Married

December 5, 1936 – Just Married

My mother, Trudel Adler, and my Father, Leonard J. Grossman were married on her 24th birthday, December 5, 1936. This post includes the events of that day and the next few days. Please click on the headline “Big Bill O.K’s ‘Wally’ – Won’t Give Away Bride” for an interesting and somewhat amusing account of the wedding. Most of the other images can be enlarged by clicking on them as well. Enjoy.

Leonard Grossman
One of Trudel’s sons.

December 7, 1936 – It is midnight, but I want to start this letter because I have so much to tell you. It is bitter cold again. On my birth-wedding day it was snowing as I had wished for. Last week it was much warmer, changing all the time. Good weather for colds. But we both are OK keeping each other warm.

Just married

December 5, 1936 – Just Married

Do not feel too bad when people move away. You should be happy for them, actually I fell that it would be foolish for you 2 to leave as long as you both have your jobs. But of course I can and should not advise you from here – so far away.

Here thousands of people are jobless. Money is not laying on the streets.

I cannot wear a pair of stockings more than a week, they rip so fast. When there is a run in them nobody mends it. Just put a little clear nail polish on it.

LJG Big Bill Trudel

LJG, “Big Bill” and Trudel

Now to something that may be more interesting to you. Friday evening I went to my sweetheart’s office where he gave me my “trousseau”: 1 pink lace nightgown, 1 pink set underwear, 1 pair pink undies, 1 bra, 1 pair brown gloves, 1 pair brown shoes, and a beautiful brown leather pocket book, 6 pair hose, 1 blue dressing gown, 1 pair slippers and a few more little things. By the time I came home, I was so excited I was afraid to be alone in my room. So I spent the night at Rose LaMarque. Which means I was with her over night, but could not sleep.

Leonard and I had an early breakfast and after talking to my friend Trudel Batzner on the phone for ½ hour I met Leonard in his office at 11:20 a.m. and at 12:50 we left with Leonard’s secretary, Carol with whom I have gotten very friendly lately, and an old friend of Leonard’s as witnesses.

We went to the Congress Hotel in former Mayor William H. Thompson’s room. There were quite a few friends and acquaintances there. “Big Bill” had his piano tuned and a very nice girl played the “Wedding March” while a lot of photos were taken. We ate appetizers and had a few drinks. I wore the dark red lace dress with matching hat and the new shoes and 3 beautiful orchids.

wedding story.

Click on the headline to read complete story.

Cont’d 12/8 at 4:30 pm
From the windows of the 10th floor, I kept looking east over the lake because I knew you would be there, far, far away. Judge Padden, a very nice old friend of Leonard’s performed the marriage and fortunately talked only very short but very nice. Too bad you could not have been here.

After a while we went to Leonard’s office where a lot of people came to congratulate us. Somebody brought champagne, others wine, a large wedding cake, etc. Too bad Alex, whom we sent a wire, could not come. [Her future brother-in-law, Alex, was in Ohio on business.] I would have been so happy to have at least 1 person from home there.

We received a lot of presents and wires. I did not realize how many people I know here. We had planned to go to L’Aiglon for dinner and asked several people to join us there. Fortunately we said we phone first. When we got to our room we were too tired to change clothes and I suggested that we rest a bit before going out. Well, we both slept soundly from 8:30 pm until midnight. Of course we did not go out any more. So I moved in with Leonard and will give up my place Dec. 31st.



The next day we had breakfast in our room at noon. Then we went as usual on Sunday afternoon to the “Townsend Sunday Afternoon Club” where Leonard is Vice President. He was to be the main speaker that day. As we entered the hall some lady took my coat off, somebody played wedding march and the 800 or 900 people gathered there all rose out of their seats. A friend led us through the mirrored room to the stage. I thanked everybody and discovered Aunt Jenny and Alice in that crowd.

That’s when I realized that this had been planned before and I was the only one who did not know anything about it. My sweetheart talked more about me than about the “Townsend Plan.” If all the good wishes from these good people will come true I will be extremely happy. Afterwards we took Weils and another friend to the L’Aiglon for dinner. They too greeted us with the wedding march, since Leonard had reserved a table.

LAiglon Postcard

Post Card from L’Aiglon

My new sister-in-law Madge invited us to visit them over the holidays. Maybe.

Shortlink to this post


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January 7, 1937 – “It was the most wonderful New Years Eve ever.”

January 7, 1937  – “It was the most wonderful New Years Eve ever.”

January 7, 1937

Starting this letter before my husband comes home for dinner, trying to answer your last 4 letters.

Also I gave up my “business” because it was costing too much. I intend to continue making hats here in our 1 room at the Devonshire Hotel.

Room at Devonshire

Our 1 Room at the Devonshire

I even started working again for C-R where I stopped in to just say “hello” and they asked me if I would like to come back to work.

Of course it is better to earn some money instead of playing cards or something and losing money. All I did for the last 4 weeks is moving and I am glad I will have now regular hours again.


C-R Millinery Co

Ernale’s English gets better with every letter. Keep it up. Leonard is so happy when he can read and understand your letters by himself.

Devonshire Hotel

Devonshire Hotel

Can you keep the letters I write you for a little longer? I would very much like to have them since they are like a diary, but really have no room for them until we move to a bigger place, which we intend to do soon.

[Continued after dinner.]

We finished some duck which we had at Bill Thompson last night. He has a friend who raises fowl on his roof.

Aunt Henny sent us a big box of grapefruit and oranges and Leonard’s sister sent a shoebox full of nuts.

Big Bill

Big Bill Thompson

Hope you started the new year OK. For me it was the most wonderful NY Eve ever. We left our room at 10:30, I in my beautiful brocade dress from 2 years ago and Leonard in a tuxedo, which was awfully tight on him.

First we stopped in the bar here in the hotel and had 2 drinks with some friends in the building. Then we went downtown in a hotel where we had dates with various friends. It was terribly crowded. Then we went to the Morrison Hotel, where I had my 1st date with Leonard, but did not stay because they asked for $6.50 each just to sit down.

We met some friends and the 6 of us went to a very big nightclub where I had not been before. We saw 2 very wonderful floor shows and at 4:00 a.m. we ate breakfast there. At 6:30 a.m. we met our friends again, in our hotel bar. At 8:00 a.m. we went to another place but I had only 1 cup of coffee.

When we came home we ate some herring and bread and butter and finally went to bed at 10:15 a.m. I felt so good, although I had about 18 drinks in 12 hours, that I would have liked to go skiing. But too warm, no snow, no skis.




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