Welcome to LGrossman.com

The MODEMJUNKIE has moved. Because MCS/Winstar has decided to abandon its longstanding customers, I have been forced to move my pages to a new site. They are now located here at LGrossman.com Although it will take some time to move everything and make it work here is a list of anticipated new addresses Many of these links should be working now. I apologize for any inconvenience.

-- Please let me know if there is something you can't find or that doesn't work.
Leonard Grossman

Following, in the order of frequency visits during a recent month, are the anticipated new addresses of some of my pages. Some pages may not survive the move or may be relocated to new directories. This will be a time consuming project, so forgive me if the pages you are interested in are not among the first to move. If there is something you are looking for please send me a note.

My e-mail address will also be changing. I expect the new address to be len@LGrossman.com but for an emergency back up try Leonard_Grossman@yahoomail.com. Page created July 1, 2001